Create an infinite variety of algorithm-generated images. Has two image makers : one in Javascript
HTML5's Canvas, and the other Image generatior was coded in PHP. These have over 80 unique
algorithms I created. Also includes a designer-palette maker as well as
an illustrator's palette-maker.
Made with PHP, MySQL, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3
Android app I made in Java. Generates different images based on several algorithms. There are over
40 different image-making algorithms like 'Polka Dots', 'Matrix', 'Grunge'...
Download APK
v1.985 ·19mb
Made with Java + Android Studio
Create images with beautiful backgrounds and Bible Verses overlayed on them. Accesses over 6 different versions, and uses the same image-pattern algorithms from ObiPix Wallpapers. It can make 4k(and larger) images/wallpapers easily. A great tool for video backgrounds, wallpapers, graphic design, and illustration. Made with PHP, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, REST APIs, SQL
A mobile app I made in React Native, which gives live prices of cryptocurrencies and stocks. You can
download the APK for Android phones below.
Download PesaPulse v1.8.4 APK • 63mb
Made with React, React Native, Expo, Javascript, REST APIs
A social network for musicians and their fans, centered around Nigerian music. Used by many musicians to promote their songs. Started in 2015. Made with PHP, MySQL, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3
A multi-purpose web app made in Python and HTMX. Created on the Flask framework.
Has unique ways to explore and discover colors - including a lovely, downloadable image palette.
Includes a REST API serving JSON.
Download sample PNG palette image generated
Python, Flask Framework, HTMX, CSV Data, REST API
A web app for topical exploration of the Bible. Includes a simple but powerful REST API on
which other apps can be built.
View BibleByTopic REST API
An app to research the Stocks of publicly traded American Companies. Made in ReactJS. Connects to the Finnhub's REST API for data. Made with React, API, HTML5, CSS3, API
A RESTful JSON API that aims to provide a large variety of information and data. Currently, OmniAPI can return the current time in some countries, as well as random quotes. Please see the Readme on Github for more information. OmniAPI is currently in the Alpha phase. Hosted on Heroku for now. Made with Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Heroku Last updated August 10, 2021
A fictional sunglasses store. This site has full CRUD operations on sunglasses for sale, and it runs on ExpressJS,NodeJS and a MongoDB database. I also designed the UI,CSS and graphics, without using any CSS frameworks. Made with Javascript, ExpressJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, HTML5, CSS3
A real-time chat app for a fictional garden-tech company. I worked with three other awesome teammates to create this app. We all worked all aspects of this app together - the React front-end, and the back-end Ruby on Rails API. My role was Deployment Manager, and Front-end designer, so I was in charge of Git and our versioning, as well as the UI, colors, and the entire look and feel of the app. Please test it out! You can log in as 'Obi' and the password is '12345'.React, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Ruby
Search for movie reviews, ratings, shows, upcoming releases. Uses the OMDB API and jQuery mainly to make API AJAX calls. Made with React, API, HTML5, CSS3
A user-created collection of Preachers and some of their sayings. Made with MongoDB, Express JS, Node, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Mongoose